Unconscious Bias in Learning Environments


Friday, 29-October

Hours: 10am-4pm ET

Course Fee: $80
Licensed Mental Health, Board of Nursing, and Florida Certification Board accreditation for CE units – add $45 to submit and process CE units. See our Accreditations here.

The purpose of this training is to open a dialogue on gender, orientation, race, and ethnic background diversity in learning environments, giving all participants access to relating powerfully with all families, students, and colleagues. Join us as we reflect and discuss the role educators play in cultivating safety, belonging and inclusion in school environments through bringing awareness to unconscious bias.

Participants will have the opportunity to reflect, listen to personal stories, and learn tools that can be immediately used in physical and virtual classrooms and school environments. Review best practices that support and cultivate equity and inclusion initiatives. All content is research-based and utilizes scholarly knowledge related to the intersections of race, gender, and orientation topics.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Icebreaker activity; Creating a “brave space.”
  2. Uncovering unconscious bias based on gender, orientation, race, and ethnic background, and additional social diversities. Social location mapping exercise.
  3. Activity: Identify your own social hierarchies and visible/invisible diversity experiences.
  4. Addressing microaggressions, offenses, and invalidations.
  5. Prevention: Best practices to forward inclusion.
  6. Video clips of gender, orientation, and racial stereotypes.
  7. Wrap up and action planning activity.