Learning Objectives Communication Solutions™

  1. Communicate effectively on the topics of gender and orientation in a manner that facilitates open, authentic communication, rather than conflict or confrontation.
  2. Create an environment where people authentically respond with emotion, share beliefs, and reveal fears usually withheld in public discussions.
  3. Overcome positions of right vs. wrong and provide ways to generate actions and produce win/win results.
  4. Ameliorate the emotional reactions of youth and families who are dealing with concerns around gender and orientation.
  5. Engage in purposeful dialogue that is not based on a need to agree, but instead connects people to the common purpose of keeping youth safe.
  6. Develop your public speaking abilities while increasing the impact you have with your audience, particularly in situations when there is no consensus or when emotionally charged topics are discussed.
  7. Have an opportunity to create action plans to make a difference for youth and families in your community at the interpersonal or institutional levels.