IREX – Community Solutions Program

YES Institute was invited by the International Research Exchange (IREX) as a Host Collaborator to attend and co-facilitate some sessions of the Community Solutions Program (CSP) 2022 Orientation. 103 CSP Fellows from 70 different countries attended the orientation in Washington, DC.

Our team is honored to be present among some of the most inspiring new leaders on the planet! More than 8,400 applicants applied through an arduous process, and 103 were selected and placed across the United States in various non-profit organizations to fulfill a project in line with their host organization. 

This year, our 4th as a Host Collaborator, we are hosting two CSP Fellows. One is Mina Jack Tolu from the Island of Malta, and the other is Angel Dimistrievski from North Macedonia. They will be here in the US for 4 months, developing their projects, after which they then return to their home countries and implement their Community Action Plans.


Special thanks to Tim Wagoner who went to DC to represent YES Institute!