YES Institute Provides Consulting, Coaching & Technical Assistance
Gender is now at the leading edge of policy debate in schools, workplaces, religious communities, and legal arenas posing challenges to organizations. We bring organizations to the leading edge of gender and orientation topics by providing information, resources, and ongoing leadership coaching and support to those wishing to implement actions in their communities that result in safe environments for youth. This includes language coaching to support organizations in creating written and online communications (e.g. intake forms, reports, assessments) that reflect inclusiveness around gender and orientation diversity as well as training and technical assistance.
Our leadership and communication trainings will give your team tools to enhance their individual leadership and work more effectively together as a group. We’ll build your team’s understanding and communication skills and help them discover powerful pathways to collaboration and effectiveness, even in moments of disagreement. Leadership and communications trainings equip staff at all levels with a common language and powerful tools for collaboration.
Through our professional consulting and technical assistance services, YES Institute can help you move your organization forward and transform how youth and families experience and respond to your intervention and supportive services. Whether it’s creating a gender-inclusive intake form or leading an in-depth training with your team on gender and orientation topics, YES Institute can provide the expert knowledge and professional guidance to bring your organization to its strongest possible level.
Often out of fear, people withhold their authentic feelings in public discussions. However, authentic, powerful communication happens by including disagreement and difference. Our unique approach to interaction and education is based on a communication model that effectively engages the entire community by including all viewpoints. We give people powerful communication tools that provide access to breakthroughs and the opportunity to produce results, even in the face of disagreement.
YES Institute facilitators are subject matter experts on:
- Healthcare systems inclusion and patient-centered care
- Mental and behavioral health disparities reduction and clinical CE didactics
- Hospitality and tourism industry inclusion
- Awareness & Inclusion with Gender & Orientation Diverse Clients and Staff
- Communication Tools for Psychological Safety in the Workplace
- Neurodiverse Youth & Adult Client Awareness and Best Practices
- Cultivating Mindful Leadership & Addressing Compassion Fatigue
- Early Childhood and K-12 bullying prevention
Call 305-663-7195 or use this form to let us know how we can support your organization or group.