
United Way, YES Institute Training

United Way Miami

Leading with Communications for United Way

Our team facilitated a deep inquiry into dialogue and communications for staff and personnel at United Way Miami.

Bringing Education to PRIDE

We celebrated pride in true YES fashion, leading an education panel entitled: Gender & the Trans Experience: Miami Beach Pride Panel.

Ayari Aguayo

Ayari is the Community Engagement Manager at YES Institute. Ayari is dedicated to ensuring all young people have a space where they belong. Ayari also manages the official social media for YES Institute.  Ayari most recently served as Director of… Learn More

Mission Continues

Big thanks to the US Veterans with The Mission Continues  Miami Platoon (@themissioncontinues) and YES Institute volunteers on community and office space renovation efforts!


The YES Institute code of ethical conduct is applicable to anyone who chooses to represent YES Institute in any way including staff, board members, interns and volunteers who assist. Choosing to represent YES Institute in any capacity includes agreeing to… Learn More

Thomas Murrell

  Thomas has served as a volunteer speaker with YES Institute for over seven years and in 2021 joins our Board of Directors. Thomas is the CEO of 3T Fitness Lifestyle. The son of a well-known pastor in Panama, Thomas… Learn More